El Museo Estatal Ruso
realidad aumentada


Manzanos en flor. С. 1930

Malevich Kazimir,
Óleo sobre lienzo
57,5 х 49

Museo Estatal de Arte Ruso. San Petersburgo

Пост. в 1936 от наследников, Ленинград. Передана в 1977 МК СССР


En la frontera de las décadas de 1920 y 1930, Malévich se dedicó intensivamente a la teoría del impresionismo. Sus paisajes (entre ellos también Manzanos en flor) se distinguen por una percepción del espacio singular y una espesa pincelada enérgica y caprichosa.

Biografía del autor

Malevich Kazimir

Malevich, Kazimir Severinovich (1878, Kiev - 1935, Leningrad)
Painter, graphic artist, writer on art, portraitist, landscapist, abstractionist. Studied at the Kiev School of Art (1895-1896) and Fyodor Roehrberg's studio in Moscow (1906-1910). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1905). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Moscow Fellowship of Artists (from 1907), Donkey's Tail (1912), Target (1913), Der Blaue Reiter (1912), Salon des Independants (1914), Tramcar V. First Futurist Exhibition (1915) and 0,10. Last Futurist Exhibition (1915-1916). Designed the sets and costumes for the Futurist opera "Victory Over the Sun" (1913). Member of the Union of Youth (1910) and Jack of Diamonds (1910, 1916). Founded the AFFIRMES OF THE NEW ARTgroup (1920). Worked for Department of An People's Commissariat of Education (1918-1919). Director of the Museum/Institute of Artistic Culture in Petrograd/Leningrad (1923-1926).

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