Russian Museum
Augmented Reality


Portrait of Tsarina Eudoxia Feodorovna, née Lopukhina, the First Wife of Peter the Great. First quarter of the 18th century

Unknown Artist
Oil on canvas
87 х 69

State Russian Museum

Пост.: 1918 из Бюро отдела охраны и учета памятников искусства и старины (собр. Долгорукова, Петроград)


Eudoxia Feodorovna Lopukhina (1669–1731) was the daughter of Feodor Lopukhin, a leader of the streltsy. She was the last tsarina to be Russian, and the first wife of Peter the Great (from 1689 to 1698). On 23 September 1698 she was sent by her husband to the Monastery of the Intercession in Suzdal and took the veil under the name of Elena. She lived under strict supervision in various monasteries until the death of her former husband. From 1725 she was locked away in secret in the fortress of Shlisselburg as a prisoner of state. After her grandson, Emperor Peter II, came to the throne she was brought to Moscow with ceremony, living there initially in the Monastery of the Ascension in the Kremlin and then in the Novodevichy Convent.

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