Interior View of St Nicholas Cathedral in St Petersburg. 1843

Zaryanko Sergei
147 х 117
Пост.: 1897 из ИАХ
Zaryanko Sergei
147 х 117
Пост.: 1897 из ИАХ
A style of architecture that developed during the time of Empress Elizabeth was “Russian baroque”, which was marked by splendour and native originality. A building that is very typical of this style is the Cathedral of St Nicholas the Miracle-Worker in St Petersburg, which was built to a design by the architect Savva Chevakinsky. Here the artist Sergei Zaryanko depicts the interior of the upper Church of the Epiphany decorated with a richly carved iconostasis.
Zaryanko, Sergei Konstantinovich
1818, Lyadovo, Mogilev Province — 1870, Moscow
Painter, portraitist, interior artist. Son of an emancipated serf. Studied under Alexei Venetsianov and simultaneously attended the Imperial Academy of Arts. Non-class artist (1836), major silver medal (1841), academician (1843), professor at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1850). Lived in St Petersburg (mid-1820s–1843; 1846–1855) and Moscow (1843–1846; 1856–1870). Taught drawing at various educational establishments. Professor of the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1856–1870).