Savrasov Alexei,
Óleo sobre lienzo
55,5 x 36,8
Museo Estatal de Arte Ruso. San Petersburgo
Пост. в 1929 из ОПХ, Ленинград
Cortafuego en el pinar es un paisaje modesto y sin pretensiones, típico de la Rusia central. La poesía de lo cotidiano, que celebraba el arte democrático de las décadas de 1860 y 1870, encontró en el cuadro de Savrásov su encarnación perfecta.
Savrasov, Alexei Kondratievich (1830, Moscow — 1897, Moscow)
Painter, graphic artist, teacher, landscapist. Studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1848–1854). Awarded the title of painter at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1850). Academician of painting (1854). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1852). Taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1857–1882).