Púrvit Vilhelms,
Óleo sobre lienzo
102,5 х 144
Museo Estatal de Arte Ruso. San Petersburgo
Пост. в 1923 из МАХ
En el lienzo Últimas nieves el carácter decorativo de las formas esquemáticas y monumentales se combina con la frescura vital de las impresiones de la naturaleza.
Purvitis, Vilhelms Georgievich (1872, Jaužos, near Riga — 1945, Bad Nauheim, Germany)
Painter, landscapist. Studied at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1890–1895). Travelled across Western Europe, visited Iceland and Spitsbergen. Director of the Riga School of Art (1909–1916, transformed into the Latvian Academy of Arts in 1919), rector of the Latvian Academy of Arts (1919–1934).