El Museo Estatal Ruso
realidad aumentada


Arroyo en un bosque de abedules. 1883

Shishkin Ivan,
Óleo sobre lienzo
105 х 153

Museo Estatal de Arte Ruso. San Petersburgo

Пост. в 1935 от В. В. Анненковой


En la obra de Shishkin, la época de esplendor veraniego es uno de sus motivos más elaborados y predilectos. Este paisaje, que transmite una plácida sensación de sosiego, fue pintado en el periodo más fructífero del autor, cuando más evidente era su deseo de alcanzar la libertad artística.

Biografía del autor

Shishkin Ivan

Shishkin, Ivan Ivanovich (1832, Yelabuga (Vyatka Gubernia) - 1898, St Petersburg)
Painter, draughtsman, engraver, landscapist. Studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1852-1855) and the Imperial Academy of Arts (1856-1860). Fellow of the Imperial Academy of Arts in Germany and Switzerland (1862-1865). Worked in the studio of Rudolf Roller in Zurich (1863), painted studies in the Teutoburg Forest (1864). Lived in Dusseldorf (1864-1865). Founding member of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1870-1898). Professor (1873). Full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1893). Head the landscape studio at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1894-1895, 1897). Contributed to the World Exhibitions in Paris (1867, 1878), London (1872) and Vienna (1873). Lived in St Petersburg.

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