Russian Girl. 1889

Wenig Carl von,
Oil on canvas
117 х 75
State Russian Museum
Пост.: 1897 из ИАХ
Wenig Carl von,
Oil on canvas
117 х 75
State Russian Museum
Пост.: 1897 из ИАХ
In the second half of the 19th century, Russian artists often addressed the history of Muscovy. Besides the heroic episodes of the past, artists were also interested in the everyday lives of the people, particularly grand dukes and boyars. The painters of such works required an excellent knowledge of Russian national costumes, architecture and applied art. This canvas portrays a boyar’s daughter in national dress. First exhibited at the Imperial Academy of Arts, it enjoyed great success with the public.
Wenig, Carl von (Karl Bogdanovich)
1830, Reval (Estland Province) – 1908, St Petersburg
Painter, author of paintings on religious and historical subjects, monumental artist. Studied under Fidelio Bruni at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1844–1853). Fellow of the Imperial Academy of Arts in Italy (1853–1862). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1852). Academician (from 1860). Painted murals for the Church of Christ the Saviour in Moscow (1870s). Taught at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1862), professor (from 1862).