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Appeal to Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. 1827

Ivanov Andrei,
Oil on canvas
35,7 х 44,5

State Russian Museum

Пост.: 1928 из ГМФ


Together with the Novgorod merchant Kuzma Minin, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was the main organiser of the popular levy in the fight against the Polish intervention. He was its military leader, while Minin was responsible for the supply side. The incident that the artist depicts took place in 1611 when Pozharsky, who had been wounded in a battle, went to his ancestral lands near Novgorod for treatment. On Minin’s orders Archimandrite Feodosy of Novgorod and a delegation of nobles were sent as envoys to see the prince and to ask him to take command of the troops that had been assembled to save Moscow. After the liberation of Moscow and the coronation of Michael Feodorovich Romanov as Tsar, Pozharsky only occupied secondary posts, although he was close to the court.

Author's Biography

Ivanov Andrei

Ivanov, Andrei Ivanovich
1775, Moscow – 1848, St Petersburg
History painter, portraitist, draughtsman, iconpainter, lithographer, teacher. Studied at the Moscow Foundling Hospital (from 1778) and the Imperial Academy of Arts (from 1782). Awarded silver medals (1794, 1795) and first gold medal for Noah Offering a Sacrifice to God After Leaving the Ark (1797). Awarded first-class degree, fellowship and post of teacher of drawing at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1797). Nominated to the Imperial Academy of Arts (1800), academician of history painting for Adam and Eve Under a Tree After the Banishment from Paradise (1803). Assistant professor (1806), professor (1812), senior professor (1821). Member of the Free Society of Lovers of Writing, Science and Arts (1802).

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