
Of. 211, Gulliver Business Centre,

7, Torfyanaya doroga,

Saint-Peterburg, 197374, Russia

Tel./Fax: +7 (812) 441-24-06


The Intex company has been in place since 1992.

The high professional skills and vast expertise of the company''''s experts as well as the use of advanced technologies allows for the implementation of the most sophisticated and original ideas. The company performed a lot of complex and large-scale work in design, landscape construction and development, including the Mikhailovsky palace and the Summer Garden of the Russian Museum, State Residence of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Region, town of Pionersky), the former country house of A.A. Polovtsev, State Guest Residence K4, FSI Sochi Incorporated health resort of the Administrative Department of the RF President and many others.