Russian Museum
Augmented Reality


Pisa. View of the Baptisterium and the Cathedral. 1863

Bogolyubov Alexey,
Oil on canvas
80,5 х 126

State Russian Museum


The artist's impression of a small Italian town, located in the coastal valley against a chain of mountains, has a quiet narrative character. Elements of the urban landscape are put to the middle ground; the main attention is paid to the busy traffic on the road. The family returning from town from shopping, a procession of pilgrims, a wagon drawn by oxen, and other characters of the foreground, along with attention to the details, create an image of provincial life in Italy as eventful and at the same time taking place on the background of established, eternal environment.

Author's Biography

Bogolyubov Alexey

Bogolyubov Alexey Petrovich
1824, the village Pomeranye in Novgorod province – 1896, Paris
Artist, draughtsman; landscape painter, marine artist. Grandson of A.N. Radishchev. In 1841 he graduated from the Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Since 1850 – auditor of the Imperial Academy of Fine Arts, studied under the tutelage of M.N.Vorobyev and B.P. Villevalde. In 1853 he graduated from the Academy of Arts with the title of class artist of the 1st degree; in the same year was appointed painter of the Naval General Staff. In 1854–1860 worked abroad. Since 1858 – academician; since 1860 – professor of marine views painting. Since 1873 – member of the Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions (also known as Peredvizhniki). After 1873 he worked abroad, had a studio in Paris. In 1885 he founded the Museum of Russian Art in Saratov and a drawing school, which was opened in 1897. Since 1893 – an actual member of the Academy of Arts.

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