Russian Museum
Augmented Reality


On the occasion of 400th anniversary of Romanov Dynasty


His highly abstract garden composition is dedicated to the House of the Romanovs, the tercentenary of which is commemorated in 2013.
The audience is invited to reflect upon the monarchs as not super-humans selected by God but as live people; each of them possessed his or her own set of aptitudes and talents, weaknesses and oddities, affections and passions. The Romanovs were personalities of varying magnitude, all too often with hard and tragic destinies.
The whole composition is inscribed in a circle, a dial-plate, symbolizing the passage of time. Live arches span over the central path forming four segments – four centuries of the Romanovs. On the sides of the alley, two mazes lie as the symbols of fortuitousness, intricacy and unprectability of the course of history. One maze is made of crimson-leaved shrub symbolizing blood, anguish and inane cruelty that fill the Russian history with great excess. The second maze is golden. This symbolizes the imperishable glory, the inexhaustible faith and the incredible spiritual heights of the peoples that inhabit our wide expanses. The path to these heights, however, is not easy and implies efforts made also by those in whose hands, at different times, the destiny of Russia had and has been.




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