Russian Museum
Augmented Reality


Pushkin city, 2, Peterburskoye shosse,

Saint-Petersburg, 196601, Russia

The 1st educational building

Institute of Agro-Technology, Agrology and Ecology

Tel.: +7 (812) 476-44-44, 470-04-22, ext. 288

Fax: +7 (812) 465-05-05


St Petersburg Agriculture University was established in 1904. It is one of the first largest agriculture educational institutions in Russia. It has a potent scientific basis: 84 departments employ 472 professors, among them 16% with degree of Doctor and 55% – of PhD. At the moment the university has 4,500 full-time students and 3,500 part-time ones.

The structure of the university encompasses several institutes integrating some of the departments, as well as individual departments, each of which specializes in a particular field of agricultural studies.

The major feature of the educational training process of specialists of park activity at the university is profound study of a wide range of agronomical knowledge in biology, plant ecology, amelioration, soil science, agricultural chemistry, farming, plant production, meadow management, fruit growing, pest and disease management and etc.

Preparations for the project for the International Festival “Imperial Gardens of Russia” featured the participation of the students and staff of the Department of Horticulture and Decorative Gardening at the Institute of Agro-Technology, Agrology and Ecology (Director of Institute – S.P. Melnikov, chairholder – G.V. Scherbakova).

The Institute of Agro-Technology, Agrology and Ecology places particular emphasis on the following disciplines: agronomy, agricultural chemistry and agrology; plant conservation; gardening, ecology. The department trains qualified industry specialists in the fields of horticulture and viticulture, fruit cultivation, vegetable cultivation, decorative gardening and landscape design.

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