Stepan Razin. 1906

Surikov Vasily,
Oil on Canvas
318 х 600
State Russian Museum
Пост. в 1918 году из собрания В.Г. Винтерфельда
Surikov Vasily,
Oil on Canvas
318 х 600
State Russian Museum
Пост. в 1918 году из собрания В.Г. Винтерфельда
The painting was partially re-made in 1910.
Chieftain Stepan Razin was a head of a peasants uprising that spread over the whole Volga region in 1669-1671. The uprising was violently crushed, and Razin was publicly executed in Moscow. However, his image remained in the people’s memories for a long time. He became a hero of songs and tales, a beacon of better and freer life. This is why in Surikov’s painting the chieftain’s strug (a Russian broad-bottom sailing and rowing ship) leaves for the wide open space of the Volga.
Surikov, Vasily Ivanovich
184 8, Krasnoyarsk -1916, Moscow
Studied in Krasnoyarsk, at the School of Drawing, Society for the Encouragement of Artists (1869) and under Pavel Chistyakov at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1869-75). Member of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (from 1881) and the Union of Russian Artists (from 1908). Full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1893), academician (1895). Visited Western Europe and Siberia. Lived in Moscow (from 1877).