Portrait of Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov. 1815

Kiprensky Orest,
Italian pencil, graphite pencil, pastels, charcoal and chalk on grey primed paper
50,2 x 39,1
State Russian Museum
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Alexander Dmitriyev-Mamonov (1788–1836): Worked for the Moscow Archives of Foreign Affairs. Fought in the national militia and the Battle of Borodino during the Patriotic War (1812). Joined the Hussars Life Guards Regiment and fought at the Battle of Leipzig (1813). Awarded the Order of St Vladimir (fourth class) and the Order of St Anne (fourth class). Entered Paris with the Russian Army (1814). Helped to quell the Polish rebellion (1830–31). Resigned from the army (1836). Talented battle-painter who depicted the Battle of Borodino and other battles of the Napoleonic Wars. Honorary fellow of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Died in Moscow.
Author's Biography click to expand contents
Kiprensky Orest
Kiprensky, Orest Adamovich
1772, Nezhinskaya (St Petersburg Province) - 1836, Rome
Portraitist, history painter, draughtsman. Illegitimate son of a serf woman, Anna Gavrilova, who gave him the name Kipreisky, later changed to Kiprensky. Grew up in the family of his foster father Adam Schwalde. Emancipated from serfdom and enrolled in the Imperial Academy of Arts (1788). Studied history painting under Grigory Ugryumov and Gabriele-Francois Doyen. Fellow of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1803-09). Worked in St Petersburg, Moscow and Tver. Academician of portrait painting (1812), councillor of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1815). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Lived in Italy (1816-23, 1828-36). Contributed to the Paris Salon (1822). Donated Self-Portrait (1820) to the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence (1825). Appointed second-class professor of history and portrait painting with automatic member¬ship of the nobility (1831). Councillor of the Accademia di Belle Arti in Naples (1831). Buried at Sant'' Andrea delle Fratte in Rome.