El Museo Estatal Ruso
realidad aumentada


Viejos baños de Domotkánovo. 1888

Serov Valentin,
Óleo sobre lienzo
76,5 x 60,8

Museo Estatal de Arte Ruso. San Petersburgo

Пост. в 1939 от Т.М. Краснобородовой, Ленинград; ранее — собрание Н.Д. Ермакова, Петроград; Н.И. Гучкова, Москва


Desde 1886 Serov visitó a menudo la hacienda de su amigo Vladímir von Derviz. La naturaleza de la hacienda, tanto en invierno como en verano, le inspiró una serie de cuadros sosegados de admirable sutileza cromática, entre los que encontramos Viejos baños de Domotkánovo, un referente del impresionismo ruso. Estos paisajes, que interpretan líricamente la naturaleza, basados en tonalidades claras y pintados de una manera fresca y enérgica, fueron totalmente novedosos en su época y reflejan la búsqueda, por parte dela juventud rusa de la década de 1880, de unos recursos expresivos que correspondieran a su nueva visión del mundo.

Biografía del autor

Serov Valentin

Serov, Valentin Alexandrovich
1865, St Petersburg - 1911, Moscow
Painter, graphic artist, teacher, portraitist, landscapist, history painter. Son of the composer Alexander Serov. Studied under Ilya Repin in Paris and Moscow (1874-75, 1878-80) and under Pavel Chistyakov at the Imperial Academy of Arts (1880-85). Academician of painting (1898), full member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1903-05). Member of the Abramtsevo circle (from the 18705). Contributed to exhibitions (from 1889). Contributed to the exhibitions of the Society of Travelling Art Exhibitions (1890-99; member from 1894), Munich Sezession (1896, 1898,1899; member from 1899), Exhibition of Russian and Finnish Artists (1898), World of Art (1896-1906, member from 1900; 1911-12, founding member), Berlin Sezession (1903), Exhibition of Historical Russian Portraits at the Tauride Palace in St Petersburg (1905), Union of Russian Artists (1905-10; member from 1903), Sergei Makovsky Salon (1909), Exposition Universelle in Paris (1900, grand prix), International Exhibitions in Munich (1909), Vienna (1902), Venice (1907), Brussels (1910) and Rome (1911) and the Exhibitions of Russian Art in Paris (1906, 1910), Berlin (1906) and Vienna (1908). Member of the board of the Tretyakov Gallery. Taught at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1897-1909). Designed for theatres in Moscow and St Petersburg and Sergei Diaghilev''s Saisons Russes (from 1886).

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