Russian Museum
Augmented Reality


Philippe Manguy


mob.: +333612453328

Leader in Rose breeding for the gardens, parks and cutflower.

Based in South of France, where crossing is made, all varieties are selected after 10 years observation in 15 centers of research throughout the world, among of them: Canada, Germany the USA and other countries.

In the last 4 years, more than 1000000 paysage rose plants, called MEILLAND, resistant to disease and frost have been planted in both St Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirs and

other sities of Russia.

At the VI International Festival “Imperial Gardens of Russia” in St. Petersburg, MEILLAND INTERNATIONAL presented its Russian debut of its most recent innovation: the DONATELLA rose.

The rose, distinct for its delicate-cream color and oversized blossoms (more than 70 petals), stands out for its marvelous, full-bodied aroma of old-English tea-roses with hints of lemon and fruit.

The sort has already been singled out for awards twice – the aroma prize in Rome (2011) and the Gold Medal in Baden-Baden (2010).

Also used by floral designers in the creation of magnificent, fragrant bouquets.

Blossom diameter – 14 cm;

stem height – 80-100 cm;

number of petals – 60-80.

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